Nature's Gifts

Nature’s Gifts

Nature has always provided us with limitless gifts and remedies. The vitamins and nutrients organic food provides our body with, the medicinal quality of herbs and spices, and even the positive physiological effects that simply spending time in nature and putting our bare feet on the earth has on our bodies. 

It seems that these days we’ve become so busy and wandered so far from the natural world that we’ve forgotten just how powerful nature can be. Humanity survived for thousands of years before our modern lifestyle. Sure, there have been amazing technological advancements that have helped humans live through situations that they may not have centuries ago, but contrarily, there are also more health issues today that are a result of all of the poison in pesticides, packaged foods and even our cleaning and body products.

 It might seem easier to walk through a grocery store and grab from any of the endless processed foods around you than to make your own meals from natural ingredients. It may be more convenient do  an exercise video from the comfort of your own home than to get out in nature for a walk or run. Your first instinct when you become sick might be to go to your doctor and get a prescription. All of this might just seem to be the modern way of doing things, an “advancement” to make life easier. While it may make your life easier by a small amount of time initially, you can end up paying for that convenience with years of inconvenient health problems and A LOT of money. You may also find that making your own products and recipes doesn’t take as long as you think it does, and that the little bit of extra time you invest into your health will give you more energy to get MORE things done. 

I have also realized how important it is in these uncertain times to rely more on nature than we do on the system. Allopathic medicine and Big Pharma are headed in a dangerous direction. It’s a system that treats symptoms and profits from you staying sick. Between the toxins sprayed onto food, placed inside of food and the adverse effects of so many prescription medicines, combined with EMF poisoning and 5G towers, it is imperative now more than ever to reconnect with Nature’s Gifts. Our survival and well being depends on it. Reconnecting with nature helps you stay healthy so that you don’t need to treat as many symptoms, and it will also come in very handy to have knowledge on if you every find yourself in a situation where you have to rely on yourself and what you can grow/find access to naturally. 

Over the last few years I have been researching and learning (sometimes through my own hardships) the detrimental effects that many products and foods have on our body and our overall health. Becoming a mother prompted me to do even more research in order to promote the best quality of life for my child and it made me realize despite some changes and improvements I still wasn’t treating my own body as well as I could have. I still have a long way to go on my own personal journey and I want to share everything I learn with you as I continue along my path. While I will also be making posts about baby food and ways to help kids naturally, this blog and all the posts in it will contain a variety of tips and recipes for everyone, mom or not. I will be sharing many different aspects of an organic lifestyle. Healthy organic recipes, how to make your own body products and makeup from natural ingredients, the healing aspects of nature and much more! 

I am not here to give you medical advice, but I am here to help you reconnect with nature’s gifts in order to promote health and prosperity. I hope that you’ll join me on this journey to reconnect with mother earth. 

Love and Light,
