tis the season

Organic Pumpkin Spice Latte

Fall is officially here and with it, everyone’s favorite fall drink – the pumpkin spice latte. I used to always grab my PSL from Starbucks, until I learned about all the ingredients and how bad it really was for me. Once I did my research and discovered how much sugar was in it (among other toxic ingredients) it suddenly made sense why I always had a major crash not long after drinking them. Sure they may taste amazing if that’s what your used to (because sugar is addictive) but once you stop consuming as much sugar your body will quickly adjust and drinks like those will start to taste pretty gross.

There may be other options out there that are marketed to be healthier versions, and while some are technically “healthiER” I’ve found that the only way to truly be sure of what you are putting into your body is to read and research every single ingredient OR to make it from scratch yourself with ingredients that you trust.

After experimenting with various PSL ingredients I have found a version that is not only WAY healthier than anything you could find at Starbucks or a store, but won’t give you that PSL hangover/sugar crash. If you’re goal is to find a PSL that gives you the earthy pumpkin goodness fall vibe without tasting too sweet or causing a crash… look no further!

Organic PSL Recipe


6 oz. organic black coffee

1/2 cup organic almond milk

1 tablespoon organic pumpkin puree

1 teaspoon brown coconut sugar

1 dash pumpkin pie spice


  1. Make 6 oz. organic black coffee
  2. In a small saucepan, mix almond milk and pumpkin puree on medium.
  3. Add dash of pumpkin pie spice and coconut sugar to the mix.
  4. Stir until blended well.
  5. Pour from saucepan into mug with coffee, and stir!

Enjoy! Happy Fall Ya’ll!