so fresh and so clean

Natural Kitchen Sink Cleaning Hacks

Kitchen sinks are actually the dirtiest place in the whole house, even more so than a toilet! This may sound shocking but when you really think about it, it isnt hard to imagine. Bacteria feed on the food that people put down the disposal. Also, the moist environment of a kitchen sink (especially in sponges) is a breeding ground for bacteria. There is more E. Coli on a kitchen sponge than there is in the rest of the home. Not to worry! Knowledge is power and knowing this, you can take precautions to ensure a clean and sanitary kitchen environment. Here are some kitchen sink cleaning hacks! 

Lemon + Salt 

Cut a lemon in half then dip it into salt. Scrub your kitchen sink with it. The salt will scrub off stains and the lemon will disinfect, remove grease and leave your sink smelling fresh! 


Spray your sink with vinegar and let it sit for 5 minutes before washing it off with a microfiber towel or sponge. Then just rinse and dry!

Another way to use vinegar is to soak a cloth in it and then wrap the cloth around your faucet to make sure your faucet stays clean. Then rinse and dry! 

Baking Soda + essential oil + salt

Combine 2 cups of baking soda with 15 drops of rosemary or lemon essential oil. Add in a couple of tablespoons of salt and mix it all together in a jar to have on deck as a kitchen sink cleaner!

Flour Shine 

After your sink is disinfected, if you want to give it extra shine just use basic flour! To do this, make sure sink is dry and then sprinkle flour all over the sink. Use a dry cloth to buff it in and then wipe it all out. 

Thieves Powder Cleaner

If you want something natural but with an extra kick to have on hand that you can sprinkle out quickly and has a similar scrubbing style to comet but without the toxins – try the thieves kitchen and bathroom cleaning powder! You can get the Thieves kitchen scrub here.

I love using the Thieves kitchen cleaner powder when it needs an extra deep clean or once a week and then alternate the other methods in between. I rarely do the flour shine because with 2 kids and cooking at home 95% of the time it seems pointless but its a nice touch if you’re having guests over or just in the mood to see it extra clean (even if temporarily).

Choose from any of these options in whatever way works best for you to keep your kitchen sink clean without you or your littles breathing in any toxic chemicals!