it's oil good

The Value of Valor

Valor essential oil blend is one of my favorite! So many emotional benefits!

Valor is a blend of Frankincense, Black Spruce, Blue Tansy, Camphor Wood and Geranium. It was formulated based on writings about Roman soldiers who applied plant extracts and botanicals to instill feelings of courage and confidence before going into battle.

Some ways to use it are …

  1. Apply a drop in palms, rub together and inhale
  2. Diffuse
  3. Apply a drop to the back of your neck for confidence
  4. Directly inhale
  5. Massage into hands or chest
  6. Apply to the bottom of your feet to unwind before bed.
  7. Apply to the spine to help with alignment and back pain
  8. Apply to jaw to relieve discomfort from TMJ
  9. Apply a drop to the bottom of your big toe to help with sleep/snoring
  10. Massage 1-2 drops into temples for inner strength
  11. Rub on back of shoulders to reduce stiffness

This oil blend can also enhance massages and soothe joint pain and injury. It can also help with back pain, stiff neck and TMJ. It’s nicknamed “Chiro in a bottle” for these reasons.

Valor also contains benefits for your skin and is a great oil to include in your skin DIY products like face wash, cream and toner.

I use this oil whenever I need extra emotional support or courage like going through a big life change or a stressful time. It was the main oil I used during labor to help give me confidence and courage. Even the nurses told me they kept checking on me so much because they were loving the vibe of my labor room as I was constantly diffusing and applying valor.

It’s also great for use during prayer, yoga and meditation.

I have heard many positive testimonies and stories from people about this special oil blend.

If you don’t already have this oil and want to try it out you can grab the oil <HERE> and if you want a roller version you can grab that <HERE>