
Mama Mo’s Magic Chocolate Chip Cookies

Yum. Chocolate chip cookies. They’ve always been a favorite dessert of mine. I’ve tried many over the years but none come close to the kind that are homemade from scratch. About a year ago I decided to start experimenting with organic ingredients to come up with my own recipe and many batches later I’ve landed on the magic combination. I hope you enjoy them as much as my family and I do! 

It should also be noted that to make a delicious gluten free version you simply replace the all purpose flour with gluten free 1:1 baking flour. I prefer to use Bob’s Red Mill brand for the GF batches.



Dry Ingredients:

3 cups organic unbleached all purpose flour (I usually use King Arthur brand for this).

1 teaspoon quality  mineral rich salt (not table salt). I like to use Crucial Four’s Icelandic Flake Salt but Redmonds Real Salt is also a great option.

1 teaspoon aluminum free baking soda (I use Bob’s Red Mill) 

1/2 teaspoon aluminum free baking powder

Wet Ingredients:

1 cup organic cane sugar 

1 cup organic light brown sugar 

2 sticks of grass fed butter (I use Kerrygold)

2 eggs (organic farm fresh is best but if you need store bought then organic pasture raised is best)

2 teaspoons organic vanilla extract 

Other ingredients/supplies:

1 cup semi-sweet mini chocolate chips (I use the “Enjoy Life” brand)

2 mixing bowls


baking spatula 

measuring spoons 

2 large baking pans


1. Lay out bowls and mixing supplies.

2. Start melting 2 sticks of butter on low

3. Line baking sheets with unbleached parchment paper 

4. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. 

5. Add all dry ingredients into one mixing bowl ( I usually add flour first and then the baking soda, baking powder and salt on top) and whisk together to combine well. 

6. In your other mixing bowl add sugars and whisk to combine sugars well 

7. Add in the eggs, vanilla and the melted butter on top of the sugars and mix all wet ingredients well until totally combined. 

8. Pour bowl of dry ingredients into the wet ingredient bowl and mix it all together until it’s all fully mixed into a smooth batter. 

9. Place batter in the fridge for 20 minutes (the batter will be warm from the melted butter and this step will cool it off enough so that it doesn’t melt the mini chocolate chips before shaping the cookies). 

10. After its cooled off, add a cup of mini chocolate chips to batter and combine well with baking spatula.

11. Shape cookies into a sphere the size of your preference ( I make them on the smaller side) and place onto cookie pans. 

12. Place cookie pans in oven and bake for about 9-11 minutes (cooking times may vary slightly for different ovens but take out of oven when slightly golden on the edges. Someone taught me years ago that the trick for getting a perfect consitency for chocolate chip cookies is to take them out of the oven before they look done.

13. Let them cool off for at least 10 minutes. Twenty is best but I understand if you can’t wait, we can’t either most of the time 🙂

PS – They taste best to me after being in the fridge overnight so make sure to store the leftovers in the fridge to enjoy for the next several days. Best eaten within a week from making. This recipe makes 20-40 cookies depending on how big or small you prefer to shape them. 
