Nature's Gifts

Brazil Nut Benefits

Brazil nuts are rich in selenium which is a trace mineral that is needed for many functions of the body. Selenium also helps to reduce oxidative stress and fights inflammation. The selenium in brazil nuts plays a vital role in many of the benefits listed below. While selenium is amazing, it can also be toxic if consumed in doses too high. You only need to eat a 1-2 brazil nuts a day to fulfill your body’s selenium needs. 

1. Boosts Thyroid Health

Assists your body in creating & using thyroid hormones. Also helps protect the thyroid from oxidative damage. Research has shown that thyroid issues can be linked to a deficiency in selenium so consuming 1-2 brazil nuts a day may improve thyroid function.   

2. Helps Prevent heart disease

Between the antioxidants, the soluble fiber, and minerals like calcium, potassium and magnesium, brazil nuts help to regulate blood pressure and lower cholesterol  reducing risk of heart disease. 

3. Boosts Immunity

The selenium helps send messages to immune cells that help them carry out the proper immune response. 

4. Aids Digestion

Brazil nuts are high in fiber making them a digestive powerhouse. 

5. Supports Brain Health

Brazil nuts contain Ellagic acid that acts as an anti-inflammatory and protects the brain by scavenging free radicals and preserving brain function. Being deficient in selenium can increase your risk for neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimers and Parkinson’s, so consuming a couple of brazil nuts a day can help to reduce your risk. 

6. Promotes Hair Growth

Your hair needs selenium for new production and growth so it’s no wonder Brazil nuts help with hair growth. They’re also rich with healthy fats which can increase hair thickness and help to keep your hair from falling out. So overall Brazil nuts are a win for your hair which makes them all the more appealing when postpartum (IYKYK). 

7. Reduces anxiety & depression

The selenium can also increase serotonin levels therefore elevating mood and easing depression symptoms. The Ellagic acid in Brazil nuts also produces an antidepressant effect on the brain. Since being low on minerals (selenium included) can increase anxiety, consuming Brazil nuts has the potential to keep anxiety at bay. 

8. Treats Acne

By reducing inflammation and redness, neutralizing free radicals and improving skin elasticity, the selenium in brazil nuts helps to fight acne. 

9. Stabilizes Blood Sugar

Brazil nuts help the body maintain stable blood sugar and reduce oxidative stress making it great for people with diabetes. 

10. Aids cancer treatment

The selenium and Ellagic acid in the nuts have been found to exhibit antimutagenic and anticancer properties and have been used alongside cancer treatments to improve outcomes. 

Word of Warning : As stated earlier in this post, selenium should not be consumed in high doses or it has the potential to become toxic. Because Brazil nuts are so rich in selenium, 1-2 Brazil nuts a day are all that is needed or recommended for selenium intake. So even if you see a benefit here that you identify as needing in your life that doesn’t mean you should go eat a ton of brazil nuts in one sitting to try to get more of those amazing benefits. 

The benefits listed here are information I have found through my research on Brazil nuts and as always, this is for educational purposes and is not medical advice.