Nature's Gifts

Flower Power

Flower’s aren’t just pretty centerpieces…. they have more power than you might think! Just like all of nature they have physical and emotional healing properties that make them an amazing addition to your home! Whether they are fresh picked from your yard or store bought, here are 10 reasons to incorporate flowers into your household today!

  1. Increases happiness
  2. Reduces stress
  3. boosts creativity
  4. helps with concentration
  5. decreases depression
  6. reduces pain
  7. triggers positive memories
  8. gives you energy
  9. makes for pretty decor
  10. aromatheraphy

There are have been numerous behavioral studies done on the emotional and physical benefits of having flowers nearby that demonstrate all of these effects!

Now go find your favorite vase and put some fresh flowers in them!

Bonus tip: Use color therapy when choosing what color of flowers depending on what you need most at that time!