nourish and flourish

Spectacular Sole

Sole water is an incredible addition to your wellness routine! It’s an electrolyte and mineral rich mixture of water and high quality unrefined salt that can be taken as a supplement each morning. 

Before I go into detail on how to make it, let’s talk about some of its outstanding benefits. Once you read through these benefits you’ll be motivated to make it yourself and drink it daily!


The benefits of sole water all come down to MINERALS! High quality salt contains dozens of trace minerals vital to our health, and with depleted soils and poor diets mineral deficiencies are becoming more and more common so this is a great way to replenish them!


One of the main benefits of sole water is energy! Sole water will energize you on a cellular level due to its high mineral content. It also supports great sleep (by lowering cortisol and adrenal levels) which in turn will give you more energy during the day. The main way it supports energy is through its amazing ability to combat adrenal fatigue! 

Combats adrenal fatigue

By combating adrenal fatigue, it also combats hair loss, mood swings, weight gain and blood sugar irregularities. 


I used to think that drinking tons of regular water was all I needed to stay hydrated, but I found out that because our cells need a certain amount of minerals to function properly, they can actually become too diluted from drinking too much plain water. Diluting our systems too much acts as a stressor on our body (not to mention how annoying it gets when having to pee 30 times a day). The sole water provides you with dozens of trace minerals and nutrients that help your cells and body absorb the water better. 


The copious minerals in the sole water will create a drastic improvement in your skin! That was the first and most significant benefit that I noticed when I began drinking it. It includes trace minerals that help fight acne, promote wound healing, keeps eczema and rashes away and heals skin infections.


It can stimulate the production of digestive enzymes that help break down food. It also leads to better food absorption. 

Blood pressure regulation

Sole water actually lowers blood pressure, which is interesting since we’re so used to hearing about how salt elevates blood pressure (which is in relation to table salt, not high quality unrefined salt). 


As mentioned before, sole water is filled with electrolytes which are helpful with detoxing the body, combined with its antibacterial properties that help to remove toxins. 


First, let’s talk container. You’ll want to use a glass container with a plastic lid. You do not want any metal touching the sole mixture, as it de-ionizes the salt and can throw off the mineral makeup. I personally use a glass mason jar with a plastic lid (click here for mason jar plastic lids) 


High quality salt. Himalayan salt and Redmond Real Salt are great options but my personal favorite and also the highest quality salt I know of is Icelandic flake salt from Crucial Four (link here). Do not use table salt. 

Filtered Water 

First, fill your glass jar up a third of the way with your (high quality) salt. Fill jar the rest of the way with filtered water. Shake gently or stir with a wooden or plastic spoon (remember, no metal!). 

Let the mixture sit overnight. If there is no salt resting at the bottom of the jar on the following day then that means you should add more salt and let that sit overnight. Repeat this process until you see salt at the bottom of the jar, as that is a sign that the water is fully saturated with salt. 


(note: do NOT drink the entire sole mixture directly.)

Put 1 teaspoon of the sole mixture into an 8 oz. glass of filtered water (be sure not to use a metal teaspoon if you are going to dip it into the mixture) 

Mix together and consume on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning! 

I take one teaspoon daily. 

Even if it takes you a couple of days to get your water fully saturated it’s worth the wait because your mixture will last you weeks if not months! Bonus: you can leave it out on the counter or in a cabinet without worrying about it spoiling due to the antibacterial properties inherit in the salt.