
Bugs Be Gone

It’s that time of the year again! It’s getting warm out and while more quality time outside is awesome, the influx of bugs can be quite a buzz kill (pun intended). Whatever adventure you find yourself on this spring and summer it’s a good idea to bring bug spray along. 

Most conventional store bought bug sprays are filled with toxic chemicals that have been linked to neurotoxicity, headaches, fatigue and more! An especially toxic ingredient that is very common in many bug sprays is Deet. Deet is a carcinogen that can cause hives and rashes and even seizures if accidentally ingested! Yikes! 

Even if you find a more “natural” alternative to convention bug sprays in a store most still have some toxic ingredients, which is why I prefer to create my own bug spray at home using essential oils that I trust! 

Here are some natural DIY bug repellent recipes for you to try out! I wanted to list several different options so you can experiment and decide which one works best for you and your family (or depending on which bugs you seem to have the most issues with.) 

For each of these recipes I recommend adding in the oils and then filling the rest of a glass spray bottle (4 oz.) with equal parts witch hazel and distilled water. Shake well to combine the oils. 

“Bugs Be Gone” spray  – this blend is strong and good for many different types of bugs  (this one is recommended for ages 10 and up). 

15 drops peppermint 

15 drops citronella 

15 drops lemongrass 

7 drops geranium 

5 drops tea tree 

Bug off my Kids” spray – a more gentle blend for toddlers and younger kids

10 drops lemongrass  

10 drops lavender

“Mosquito Madness” spray – great for hanging out in swampy areas or by water.

15 drops citronella 

15 drops lemongrass 

10 drops geranium

“Goodbye Fly” spray – great for beach picnics and other situations with pesky flies looming.

15 drops lemongrass 

15 drops lavender 

10 drops tea tree 

7 drops peppermint

“Tickin’ me off” spray – this blend repels ticks, great for hikes and wooded areas.

15 drops citronella 

15 drops geranium 

15 drops tea tree 

“Ward off Wasps” spray 

15 drops geranium 

15 drops lemongrass 

10 drops peppermint 

“Spider Stopper” spray 

15 drops peppermint 

10 drops lavender 

10 drops citronella 

I personally trust and use oils from Young Living. If you don’t already have oils from YL (or these bug repellant ones specifically) click here for a custom bug off bundle I’ve created with all of these oils listed in the recipes above. 

Last but not least, you’ll want to label your bottle after you make it! There are several ways you can do this but my preferred method is to use a vinyl label. One day I will design my own but for now I love using the vinyl labels from the Etsy shop “Hope Filled Designs Co”. Click here for a bug spray label, and click here for a custom label!