Nature's Gifts

Earthing is Everything

“Earthing is everything”. That’s a pretty dramatic claim right? Not really! Earthing is arguably one of the most important things we can do for our health, wellness and ability to thrive!

So what is earthing? Earthing is connecting your bare feet to the natural ground whether it be sand, grass or soil. Earthing is powerful and reconnects your body to the electrical charge of the earth which stabilizes the electrical charge of your organs, tissues and cells and neutralizes free radicals.

We’ve all been doing this to some extent our whole life (and it was all our ancestors knew) but in modern culture between working indoors and wearing shoes all the time when outside we have significantly decreased the amount we earth/ground.

Once I learned the many health benefits I made it a point to do this as often and as long as possible and every time I am blown away by the immediate and subsequent benefits I feel. Here are 10 benefits of earthing/grounding:

  1. Reduces inflammation
  2. Better sleep (one of the most drastic changes I feel with this)
  3. Mood Boosting (I feel this immediately)
  4. Reduces anxiety (I feel this right away too)
  5. Boosts energy
  6. Reduces stress
  7. Reduces blood pressure
  8. Reduces chronic pain
  9. Stabilizes blood sugar levels
  10. Balances nervous system

Earthing for a minimum of 30 minutes a day is recommended but the more the better! Even if you can’t get in much some days do what you can when you can!

PS – there are shoes you can wear that will allow you to earth through them if you are walking in a rough area that you need to wear shoes on or if you live in a big city and don’t have a yard. Earth Runners is one such brand that sells shoes like this!